Saturday, August 14, 2010

OK, I'll calm down....

 Well, I might not calm down at the price of what "insurance" costs us....espically if you do not use it frequently!  Like me...
    Am I glad to have it yes. Do I think it is a "reasonable" amount to have to pay,for someone else to tell you what will and won't be covered? NO.
    Is this what I think is best for the country? NO  "Reasonable" healthcare is not the bill that was passed by congress,they just pushed thru a pile of crap,wrapped up in laws they could/did manipulate,and said it was wonderful.    There again, what should we expect,this is our goverment. The vote NEVER came to the people that it would affect. Instead, it was voted in by people that would NEVER use this! Maybe they should ALL be thrown out of office,and we should start over. This time some representation to go along with the taxation????  :-)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

IRS and Insurance.....

Did you know that if you have "pretax" health insurance you cannot CANCEL it if you don't have what they consider a life altering event???!!! I would consider a 25hour per week cut pretty life altering!! What do you think??
 Our illustrius goverment at work again!!! :(  Do they realize that the 95.00 per week is going to cause a hardship?? NO!!!!! Do they care???? NO!!!!!!  Let them have to pay what we pay for healthcare!!!( Oh yeah, and make it the working mans healthcare that we have not  their current one!!!!!